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On October 5th 2023, the community gathered at the Waterfowl Building to participate in the kick off event for the East End Area Plan. James Rojas facilitated a fun and inspirational event where residents were tasked with using everyday objects to construct their ideal East End. Once the models were constructed, the teams explained to the audience what their ideal East End looked like. Some common themes that were identified based on the models that were constructed were;

  1. Access to greenspace
  2. Walkability
  3. The importance of rails-to-trails
  4. A desire for mixed use development
  5. Affordable housing
  6. Creating a environment that is child friendly, and
  7. Preserving history
Council President showing his groups model
Photo of a model
Citizen describing project
Finalizing the model design
Finalized model
Group working on their model
Group shows off model